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Definition of Freight

Freight, which is one of the terms of maritime transport, is a term that is familiar especially to those dealing with foreign trade. However, it would not be correct to say that freight is only used in the field of maritime transport. Because, due to the increase in customs clearance, freight has started to be used in all international transportation services, especially by road. Freight; It is a general name given to the price paid for the cargo carried and the transportation service provided.


What are the Factors Affecting the Freight Price?

The freight cost is determined by the combination of many different factors. The main criteria are can be listed as "transit time, the distance between the departure and arrival destination, the balance of supply and demand, how often the goods are transported, and whether the transporting vehicle will return from the delivery point empty or full".


What are the Conditions Which Make the Freight Contract Invalid?

There are monetary penalties and jail time for violating the freight contract. The situations that terminate the freight contract are listed below;

  • War and natural disaster situations,
  • The port (location) of loading or destination is under a blockade,
  • State confiscation of the vehicle,
  • Carrying products whose export or import is prohibited,


In such cases, the freight contract may be terminated.